New setup

The floor plan for my installation has been changed due to the changes that i've made in part 1 and part 2 of my installation. as u can see right now there are only 2 components in my installation. the 1st one being the chest and the 2nd one,the screen which is mount on a wall divider. the reason why i placed the screen to face outside my installation is to make sure that the audiences at the 1st part of the installation does not know that their action of smoking the bong will be captured by the webcam and presented to the rest of the visitors. further more, by doing so, other people are able to browse through the pictures taken by the webcam inside the chest while they wait for their turn to enter the installation.




And this is my new design for the chest where i've integrate part 1 and 2 in it. part 1 being the screen which is placed inside the chest and part 2, the audios coming from a speaker underneath the screen.


The videos for part 1 of my installation will be activated once the chest is open by the audiences. after they had finished watching it, they would find a bong under an enclosed compartment and decide whether to smoke it or not.


here is the flowchart for the new setup.


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